JEE Mains 2015 - Application form details | Exams Adda
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Sunday, 16 November 2014

JEE Mains 2015 - Application form details

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JEE Main 2015 is the first stage of the Joint entrance Examination, the two tier examination from 2013 for the engineering undergraduate admissions to the NITS and Centrally funded institutes as well as a number of leading private universities and institutes.

JEE Mains 2015 - Application form details

Here is shown "JEE Main 2015 Application form"

JEE Main 2015 Application Form: Candidates can apply below-
  • Candidates must choose a password with between 8 to 13 characters and which must contain a Capital letter, a small case letter, a special character and a number.
  • Candidates must keep an email id and a valid mobile number ready.
  • Candidates must keep the scanned copies of passport size colour photograph, the candidate's signature and the candidate's left thumb impression in JPEG format ready to upload. They can check the specifications these here-
1. The scanned images of photograph, Signature and thumb impression should be in jpeg format only.
2. Size of the photo image must be greater than 4 kb and less than 40 kb.
3. Size of the signature image must be greater than 1 kb and less than 30 kb.
4. Size of the thumb impression image must be greater than 1 kb and less than 30 kb.
5. Dimension of photograph image should be 3.5 cm(width) x 4.5 cm(Height) only.
6. Dimension of signature image should be 3.5 cm(length) x 1.5 cm(Height) only.
7. Dimension of thumb impression image should be 3.5 cm(length) x 1.5 cm(Height) only.

How to reset your Password: The following options are available to reset Password-
  1. Using security question & its answer you chosen during form filling
  2. Using a verification code sent via text message (SMS) to your Registered Mobile No.
  3. Using a reset link sent via Email to your registered email address
  • A candidate can fill only one application form.
  • The name in the application form must be the same as registered in Class XII/ qualifying Examination
  • Candidates who wish to appear for JEE (Advanced) 2015 must also give their choices of JEE (Advanced) examination cities. They will have to re-register their choices while applying for JEE Advanced 2015.
  • Candidates NEED NOT send the confirmation page or any documents to the JEE Main office.
  • IMPORTANT: After submission, candidates must note down the Application  No generated. They will be used to log in subsequently as the log in ID along with the chosen password.
JEE Main 2015 Application Fees:

Paper(s) Appearing
Pen and Paper Based Examination
Computer Based Examination
JEE (Main) Paper-1 or JEE (Main) Paper-2 only
1000 (boys)
500 (girls)
500 (boys)
250 (girls)
JEE (Main) Paper-1 and JEE (Main) Paper-2
1800 (boys)
900 (girls)
1300 (boys)
650 (girls)

JEE (Main) Paper-1(B.E./B.Tech.) or
JEE (Main) Paper-2 (B.Arch./B.Planning) only
2500 (boys)
1250 (girls)
2500 (boys)
1250 (girls)
JEE (Main) Paper-1(B.E./B.Tech.) and
JEE (Main) Paper-2 (B.Arch./B.Planning)
3800 (boys)
1900 (girls)
3800 (boys)
1900 (girls)

Payment Mode of JEE Main 2015 Application Fees:

1Credit (additional charges: 1.20% of the examination fee plus the service tax as applicable)
2. Debit Card (additional charges: 0.75% of the examination fee plus taxes for examination fee up to Rs. 2000 and 1% + taxes for examination fee more than Rs. 2000. )
3. Through the e-Challan generated after successful submission of the online application form.
Candidates can deposit application fee in cash at any branch of Syndicate Bank, Canara Bank, HDFC and ICICI Bank

Important: Call centres for general facilitation will be available from  November 18, 2014 (10.00 am to 5.30 pm). 

Some Important things to be noted:
  • Note down the JEE Main 2015 Application No. generated for log in the future.
  • The Acknowledgement receipt generated after successful submission of the JEE Main 2015 Application Form must be downloaded and kept safe for future reference.
  • Candidates must keep a copy of the DD or the transaction details if fee are paid online
  • Candidates would be advised to keep 8 to 10 identical photographs as reserve for use till admissions. These photographs must be the same as the scanned ones used in for the JEE Main 2015 Online Application Form.
  • All JEE Main 2015 correspondence should be addressed to the Executive Director, JEE (Main), CBSE, F.I.E, 482, Patparganj, Industrial Area, Delhi-110092.
CLICK HERE to Fill The Application form.

For instruction on how to fill up JEE Main 2015 Application form - Click Here

For more info about JEE Main 2015 - Click Here

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