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Friday, 7 November 2014
GATE 2015 - Complete Exam Pattern Details
Exam INTRo
- Candidates must know that all papers will have a section on General Aptitude which is compulsory with 10 questions that carry 15 marks.
- All question papers will have 65 questions for 100 marks where 55 questions will be for the subject on hand and Engineering Mathematics if applicable.
- Question Papers with codes - AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT, PI, TF and XE will have a section devoted to Engineering Mathematics. This will carry 15% of the total marks while the Engineering Mathematics section will carry 15% and the rest of the 70% will be for the subject specialization.
- Question Papers with codes - AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH and XL, the subject questions will carry 85% of the marks while the remaining 15% will be devoted to the General aptitude as mentioned above.
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Types of Questions in GATE 2015 Exam Paper: Questions will be of two types as follows
1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) :
- These carry 1 or 2 marks each in all papers and sections.
- These questions are objective in nature with a choice of four answers, out of which the candidate has to mark the correct answer(s).
2. Numerical Answer Questions:
- These carry 1 or 2 marks each in all papers and sections.
- The answer for these questions is a real number which has to be entered by the candidate using the virtual keypad.
- These questions will not be showing any choices
- An appropriate range will be considered while evaluating the numerical answer type questions so that candidates are not penalized due to the usual round-off errors
GATE 2015 Question Paper Design: Candidates will be tested in the following areas of ability
1. Recall:
- The questions are based on facts, principles, formulae or laws of the discipline of the paper.
- Candidates are expected to be able to obtain the answer either from memory of the subject or from a given one-line computation.
For Example:
Q. During machining maximum heat is produced
(A) in flank face
(B) in rake face
(C) in shear zone
(D) due to friction between chip and tool
2. Comprehension:
- These questions aim to test the candidate's understanding of the basics of his/her field.
- Candidates are required to draw simple conclusions from the given fundamental ideas.
For Example
Q. A DC motor requires a starter in order to
(A) develop a starting torque
(B) compensate for auxiliary field ampere turns
(C) limit armature current at starting
(D) provide regenerative braking
3. Application:
- In this section, candidates are expected to apply their knowledge through computation or by logical reasoning to arrive at the answers
- Questions in this section may be a mix of single standalone statement/phrase/data type questions , a combination of option codes type questions or a match items type questions
For Example
Q. The sequent depth ratio of a hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel is 16.48. The Froude number at the beginning of the jump is:
(A) 5.0 (B) 8.0 (C) 10.0 (D) 12.0
4. Analysis and Synthesis:
- Candidates are presented with data, diagrams, images etc. that require analysis to answer the questions in this section
- A Synthesis question requires comparison of two or more pieces of information that is given.
- Questions may also involve candidates in recognising unstated assumptions, or separating useful information from irrelevant information.
GATE 2015 Marking Scheme is as follows:
GATE 2015 General Aptitude (GA) Questions: Compulsory for all Papers
- A total of 15 marks are allocated for the 10 GA questions that are asked in all papers
- 5 questions are for 1 mark each
- 5 questions are for 2 marks each
All GATE 2015 Question Papers other than GG, XE and XL:
- A total of 55 questions are asked apart from the General Aptitude questions.
- There will be 25 questions for 1 mark each with a total of 25 marks
- There will be 30 questions for 2 marks each with a total of 60 marks
- Questions will be a mix of multiple choice and numerical questions
GATE 2015 Geology and Geophysics (GG) Paper:
This paper will contain two parts:
Part A:
- This section is common for all candidates appearing for this paper.
- There will be 25 questions of 1 mark each for a total of 25 marks
Part B:
- This section will have two separate sections – one for Geology and the second for Geophysics.
Candidates have to attempt either one section as per their respective discipline - Each section will carry 30 questions of 2 marks each for a total of 60 marks
- There will be a mix of numerical and multiple choice questions
GATE 2015 XE Paper (Engineering Sciences):
1. Engineering Mathematics Section
- The Engineering Mathematics Section (Section A ) is compulsory for all candidates for a total of 15 marks
- The Engineering Mathematics section consists of 11 questions as follows:
7 questions for 1 mark each for a total of 7 marks
4 questions for 2 marks each for a total of 8 marks - There will be a mix of numerical and multiple choice questions
2. Section B to G:
- This contains 22 questions for a total of 35 marks as follows:
9 questions for 1 mark each for a total of 9 marks
13 questions of 2 marks each for a total of 26 marks - There will be a mix of numerical and multiple choice questions
GATE 2015 XL Paper (Life Sciences):
1. Chemistry Section – Section H:
- This is a compulsory section consisting of 15 questions for a total of 25 marks as follows:
5 questions of 1 marks for a total of 5 marks
10 questions for 2 marks for a total of 20 marks - There will be a mix of numerical and multiple choice questions
2. Section I to M:
- This contains 20 questions for a total of 30 marks as follows:
10 questions for 1 mark each for a total of 10 marks
10 questions of 2 marks each for a total of 20 marks - There will be a mix of numerical and multiple choice questions
Details of Negative Marking in GATE 2015:
1. Multiple-choice questions:
- 1-Mark Questions: For every wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted
- 2-Mark Questions: For every wrong answer 2/3 marks will be deducted
2. Numerical type questions: There is no negative marking.
For more information about GATE 2015 - Click Here
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