BITSAT 2015 - Seats Distribution and Reservation Details | Exams Adda
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Sunday, 2 November 2014

BITSAT 2015 - Seats Distribution and Reservation Details

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Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test is a University Level Under Graduate (UG) Exam conducted by BITS Pilani University.

BITSAT 2015 is conducted by the BITS Pilani University for admissions to the various engineering courses to the BITS Pilani, BITS Goa and BITS Hyderabad campuses.

There will be NO BITSAT 2015 Reservation of Seats for any category of candidates and the admissions will be done purely on merit basis. Therefore the level of competition for exam will be very high and all candidates should prepare accordingly for the exam.

Most other national level and State Level exams have reservation clauses in which some seats are reserved for candidates of reserved categories but there will be no BITSAT 2015 Seat Reservation for any category candidates. There will be however, DIRECT ADMISSIONS which will be done on the basis of Class XII Board Merit and will be done for all categories of candidates. Apart from that there will be NO reservation in admission on Reserved Seats in BITSAT 2015 as there will exist none.

Candidates will have to rely on their own skills to get admission as they will have to score more for getting a seat. The reservation tends to give benefit to some of the category candidates and hence they don’t have to face that much pressure for qualifying the exam. However, the competition level gets really HIGH once the reservation is ruled out. Hence, the absence of BITSAT 2015 Reservation of Seats will lead to a higher competition level in exam.

The BITS exam differs from other entrance exams in many ways and reservation is one of them. Candidates are admitted only on the basis of their merit. Also the exam will be conducted in online mode and candidates’ individual score will be shown to them after the exam is over on their screens.

BITSAT is one of the most reputed and prestigious exam and its competition level is very high. One factor which leads to this much competition is absence of BITSAT 2015 Reservation of Seats.

For more info about BITSAT 2015 -  Click Here

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